2025 Schedule


Monday Night Community Ride

Pedal Party

Snow Roll at Rise Community Coffeehouse

Snow Roll at Rise Community Coffeehouse

Snow Roll at Mister Sizzle’s 436 Connecticut St, meet at 12, ride at 12:30

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Snow Roll at The Garage Bar & Restaurant

Snow Roll at The Garage Bar & Restaurant

Snow Roll at Mister Sizzle’s 436 Connecticut St, meet at 12, ride at 12:30

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Snow Roll at Mister Sizzle’s

Snow Roll at Mister Sizzle’s

Snow Roll at Mister Sizzle’s 436 Connecticut St, meet at 12, ride at 12:30

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Snow Roll in Memorial of Lydia Sobzcyk

Snow Roll in Memorial of Lydia Sobzcyk

Snow Roll in Memory of Lydia Sobczyk

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Meat Raffle

Meat Raffle

Join us Friday November 22nd 2024 at Knights of Columbus, 1530 Kenmore Ave, for Slow Roll’s first Meat Raffle. Doors open at 6pm, first spin at 7pm. 21+ only, $20 individual admission or $150 for a table of 10! Includes door prize, beer, pop, coffee, pizza and more! Other raffle and 50/50t too! BYO snacks and coolers for your winnings. No outside alcohol allowed. Proceeds benefit Slow Roll Buffalo to keep our Monday Night Ride free and inclusive for all

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Season Finale Ride

Season Finale Ride

Season Finale Monday Night Community Ride - Monday, October 28th from 6:00-9:30 PM, Banshee Irish Pub, 257 Franklin St, Buffalo, NY 14202.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Ticket To Roll: All Potholes Eve 2024

Ticket To Roll: All Potholes Eve 2024

Ticket to Roll - All Potholes Eve is Slow Roll Buffalo's annual curated ride-experience and fundraiser, celebrating Halloween and Buffalo's haunted hidden gems. Saturday, October 26, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM, BriarBrothers Brewery, 50 Elk Street, Buffalo, NY 14210.

Ticket-to-roll events are fundraising rides that provide additional opportunities to increase Slow Roll Buffalo's capacity and community impact. These events are a major differentiation from our "free for all" Monday Night Community rides. Each has a unique theme, celebrating things such as urban farms, Buffalo's cannabis culture, and Halloween. Ticket to Roll events have limited capacity and include food, drink, and a curated ride experience.

$50 Donation

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Back To The Future Day Ride

Back To The Future Day Ride

Back To The Future Day Monday Night Community Ride Monday, October 21st from 6:00 - 9:30 PM, BriarBrothers Brewing, 50 Elk Street, Buffalo, NY, 14210.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Supporting New Businesses Ride

Supporting New Businesses Ride

Supporting New Businesses Monday Night Community Ride - Monday, October 14th from 6:00 - 9:30 PM, Buffalo Olde Brewery, 1221 E Lovejoy St, Buffalo, NY 14206.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Exploring Diversity, Social Reform, and Innovation Along the Erie Canal

Exploring Diversity, Social Reform, and Innovation Along the Erie Canal

Exploring Diversity, Social Reform, and Innovation Along the Erie Canal Monday Night Community Ride Monday, October 7th from 6:00 -9:30 PM, Big Ditch Brewing, 55 East Huron Street, Buffalo, NY, 14203.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Imperial Pizza Life Ride

Imperial Pizza Life Ride

Imperial Pizza Life - Monday Night Community Ride: Brookdale Park, Monday, September 30th, from 6:00 - 9:00 PM, Brookdale Park, 293 McKinley PkwyBuffalo, NY 14220.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Urban Farms Day Ride

Urban Farms Day Ride

Urban Farms Day Monday Night Community Ride - Monday, September 23rd from 6:00 -9:30 PM, Niagara Frontier Food Terminal 1500 Clinton Street, Buffalo, NY, 14206.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Ticket to Roll: Harvest Roll 2024

Ticket to Roll: Harvest Roll 2024

Harvest Roll is Slow Roll Buffalo's annual curated ride, experience and fundraiser dedicated to exploring and supporting urban farms and food systems in Western New York. Join us for our fourth annual Harvest Roll on Saturday, September 21, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM, The Nickel Plate 1500 Clinton Street, Buffalo, NY, 14206.

The Nickel Plate will open at 11am. We will ride at 1pm for an 18 mile SQUAD-led ride with three stops at local urban farms for produce samples and stories, followed by an afterparty including food, refreshments, revelry and a vendor market. Your ticket also includes limited edition swag, seeds and more!

Ticket-to-roll events are fundraising rides that provide additional opportunities to increase Slow Roll Buffalo's capacity and community impact. These events are a major differentiation from our "free for all" Monday Night Community rides. Each has a unique theme, celebrating things such as urban farms, Buffalo's cannabis culture, and Halloween. Ticket to Roll events have limited capacity and include food, drink, and a curated ride experience.

$50 Donation

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Connecting People, Places and Causes by Bike - Foundry Bike Rack Ride

Connecting People, Places and Causes by Bike - Foundry Bike Rack Ride

Connecting Places by Bike - Bike Racks w/ The Foundry Monday Night Community Ride - Monday, September 16th from 6:00 -9:30 PM, Symphony Circle, Buffalo, NY, 14201.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Buffalo Waterkeeper Ride

Buffalo Waterkeeper Ride

Monday Night Community Ride - Buffalo Waterkeeper Ride Monday, September 9th from 6:30 - 9:30 PM, Buffalo History Museum, 1 Museum Court, Buffalo, NY, 14216.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.


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Labor Day Ride

Labor Day Ride

Monday Night Community Ride - Labor Day Ride, Monday, September 2nd from 6:00 - 9:30 PM, Eugene V Debs Hall, 483 Peckham Street, Buffalo, NY, 14206.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.


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Safe Streets for People Ride

Safe Streets for People Ride

Monday Night Community Ride - Safe Streets for People Ride - Monday, August 26th from 6:00-9:30 PM, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Martin House, 125 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo, NY, 14214.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free

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Open Roll-Around at Forest Lawn

Open Roll-Around at Forest Lawn

Open Roll-Around Forest Lawn - Monday Night Community Ride: Monday, August 19th from 6:00 - 9:30 PM, Forest Lawn Cemetery, entrance at Delaware and W Delavan Ave, NY, 14208.
The most unique Slow Roll Buffalo ride ever endeavored! Thanks a partnership between Slow Roll Buffalo and Forest Lawn Cemetery and an early gate closure to motorists, we’ll enjoy Forest Lawn’s 14 miles of roadway completely automobile-free! Riders can choose between a self-guided ride or a squad-led 8 mile tour to several notable sites: Red Jacket, President Millard Fillmore, Rick James, and ER Thomas. At each site, volunteers from Forest Lawn will provide history, context and insight into these final resting places. This special event celebrates Forest Lawn’s 175th Anniversary and highlights the health benefits of cycling as well Forest Lawn seldom-utilized function as a recreational asset.

Enter at Delavan and Delaware Gate!

This free event offers a unique opportunity to explore the cemetery’s scenic routes in a car-free environment. Join us for an evening of cycling, community, and celebration!Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Connecting Places By Bike - We Love Our Hostel Ride

Connecting Places By Bike - We Love Our Hostel Ride

Connecting Causes by Bike - We <3 Our Hostel Ride - Monday Night Community Ride: Monday, August 12th from 6:30- 9:30 PM, Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Ten Years of Connecting Communities by Bike Ride

Ten Years of Connecting Communities by Bike Ride

  • 246 Carlton Street Buffalo, NY, 14204 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Health and Wellness Equity Monday Night Community Ride w/ Roswell Park - Monday August 5th from 6:30–9:30pm, Carlton and Locust Streets, Buffalo, NY.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Summer on the Waterfront Ride

Summer on the Waterfront Ride

Summer on the Waterfront Ride - Ship Canal Commons, July 29th from 6:30-9:30 PM, Ship Canal Commons, Ship Canal Pkwy, Buffalo, NY 14203.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Niagara Falls Pedal Party

Niagara Falls Pedal Party

  • 101 Old Falls Street Niagara Falls, NY, 14303 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Niagara Falls Pedal Party - Join is for Slow Roll Buffalo’s longest-running Pedal Party. Friday July 26th at 630pm, Old Falls Street, 101 Old Falls St, Niagara Falls, NY 14303

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It Takes a Village to Build a Block Club Ride

It Takes a Village to Build a Block Club Ride

Monday Night Community Ride - Norfolk Avenue Block Party Monday, July 22nd from 6:30 -9:30 PM, Norfolk Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event s free

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Pocket Park Ride

Pocket Park Ride

Monday Night Community Ride - Sperry Park Monday, July 15th from 6:30 -9:30 PM, Sperry Park, 77 Paderewski Dr, Buffalo, NY 14212.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Connecting Places by Bike Ride - STEMCyclist Program

Connecting Places by Bike Ride - STEMCyclist Program

Connecting People by Bike Ride - STEMCyclist Program Monday Night Community Ride: Monday, July 8th from 6:30-9:30 PM, Colonial Circle, Buffalo, NY, 14222.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.

This event is free.

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Ticket to Roll: Joint Venture 2024

Ticket to Roll: Joint Venture 2024

Ticket to Roll - Joint Venture is Slow Roll Buffalo's annual curated ride-experience and fundraiser, exploring Buffalo’s cannabis culture, education and legislation. Saturday, July 6, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM, Riff City Buffalo, 166 Chandler Street, Buffalo, NY, 14207

Ticket-to-roll events are fundraising rides that provide additional opportunities to increase Slow Roll Buffalo's capacity and community impact. These events are a major differentiation from our "free for all" Monday Night Community rides. Each has a unique theme, celebrating things such as urban farms, Buffalo's cannabis culture, and Halloween. Ticket to Roll events have limited capacity and include food, drink, and a curated ride experience.

Tickets now available

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Red White and Blue Ride

Red White and Blue Ride

Red White and Blue Monday Night Community Ride Monday, July 1st from 6:30 - 9:30 PM, St Casimir Church 160 Cable Street, Buffalo, NY, 14206.

Slow Roll Buffalo Monday Night Community Rides connect communities through guided rides for bicyclists of all ages and skill levels, with a slow pace and volunteer squad that keeps riders safe and social. Each ride features a different host site and unique route around the city, including stops to regroup and meet neighborhood stakeholders before returning to the starting point for an afterparty with food, drinks, music, and fellowship.


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Hamburg Pedal Party

Hamburg Pedal Party

Join Slow Roll Buffalo for our Hamburg Pedal Party, celebrating Hamburg’s Sesquicentennial on Thursday, June 27th from 6:30- 9:30pm at Hamburg Brewing Company, 6553 Boston State Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075

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Are You Ready to Roll?